Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How To Write Congratulation On Engagement I Need Tips On How To Write Action Scenes?

I need tips on how to write action scenes? - how to write congratulation on engagement

I am just writing a fantasy novel of the ancient world, and are at a point where it reaches an action scene. I am afraid that my descriptive writing style in the way of making it exciting. I am also afraid because I'm not sure how to write an action scene. Do you have any tips? Feedback is greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Trust your instinct!

I am a writer, write action scenes that are more or less what I do for a living. And what I've learned is to "keep moving".

The action scenes do not put on your description. It is difficult for these people - which, as you weigh invest your character in the scene to dig. As in the * must * Enter your character. Less focus on language, and more about the circumstances.

Then, as I said, you come here. Especially if you bend a writer to discriptive - change in the rhythm of the language and say that you create a sense of urgency in the reader.

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