How do i find cheap wooden swing sets? wholesale maybe? - wholesale wooden swingsets
I see people selling on eBay for about $ 600 and will be directly from the pressing plant. How do I know what they are buying the system so that you can buy direct from the factory. I have a NIF
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wholesale Wooden Swingsets How Do I Find Cheap Wooden Swing Sets? Wholesale Maybe?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Simi Garewal Smoking Where Can I Get To Watch The Recent Episodes Of The Talk Show Of Simi Garewal?
Where can I get to watch the recent episodes of the talk show of simi garewal? - simi garewal smoking
YouTube or Hulu
Monday, February 22, 2010
Do Tv Prices Drop After Super Bowl Big Screen Tv?
Big screen tv? - do tv prices drop after super bowl
How much to believe, that the falling prices after the Super Bowl TV
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wording For Partylite Invitations Party Games?
Party games? - wording for partylite invitations
Does anyone know the games are played at places like Partylite or Home Interiors. I am looking for the game, the hostess said a word, and you should find something in his pocket, which begins with that letter.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
List Of The 493 Pokemon-wikipedia How Many Pokemon Are In The Platinum Pokedex?
How many pokemon are in the Platinum pokedex? - list of the 493 pokemon-wikipedia
Content Pokedex Pokemon Platinum?
Is it 496 or 493? Please list the last pokemon 10th Many fan sites list only 493, but I still hear 496th Which is correct? "
I've also heard that 540 pokemon total of 26 by Unknown (26 types), 2 for Giratina, Shaymin 2, etc. Can anyone confirm that 540 Total?
I appreciate all answers:)
Friday, February 19, 2010
What Do You Think About Vertical Doors Paintint My Small Bedroom - Ideas And Thoughts?
Paintint my small bedroom - ideas and thoughts? - what do you think about vertical doors
I'm trying to paint and decorate my room look bigger, as my room is very small. I wish the walls of my main lawn honeydew, a little light, colors, and add an accent wall in light gray or cream. What you think of the two colors: create 1) better with the green and 2) the illusion of more space?
Where the emphasis should be placed on the wall? I am also in the wall to the window, because this is the first thing upon entering the room, or they are doing on the wall where the bed used. Adding a large mirror on the wall in order to improve the focus in the room?
I also think that the only striped glory. Was it a good idea, a little height and lightReflection property of the room? I think hanging about in the absence of walls, windows and use curtains on the upper part of the wall to increase the amount of space. What do you think?
Another thing is that I am not sure what I do with my office. Because the case is closed, it is very dark in general. When I paint, helping the interior of the housing in a lighter shade of green, to make up? In addition, the doors would be, what kind of door do you suggest? I was thinking of using is very pure, perhaps something like mirrors, glass doors or use.
One last point: Is this the general idea of what color to my room looks like something that would be neutral enough to attract buyers? I read that the green rlook estful color in the eyes, and my parents sell the house over time, so my choices are not too outrageous.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Stop: C000021a Knowndll When Trying To Install The 64 Bit Beta I Got A 0xc0000221 Error (verification Of A KnownDLL Failed).?
When trying to install the 64 bit beta I got a 0xc0000221 error (verification of a knownDLL failed).? - stop: c000021a knowndll
I try to install cleanly on a Dell XPS M1530 with an internal hard drive. The full error message reads:
STOP: c000021a (Fatal System Error)
Verify a KnownDLLs failed. System terminated unexpectedly status of 0xc0000221 (0x00150e10 0x00000000).
The system was closed.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Kates Playground Pictures 2010 Kates Playground?
Kates Playground? - kates playground pictures 2010
Where can I find videos and pictures from Kate's Playground free.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
How To Get Socks From Sliding Down In In Shoes Summer Choice? Shoes Vs Sandals Vs Flip-Flops/Slides?
Summer choice? Shoes vs Sandals vs Flip-Flops/Slides? - how to get socks from sliding down in in shoes
What is best for a college student, urban people hang in town with friends, but wants to look good wherever you go? Just started sandals in public just before school one day because I was lazy and wore to school (still in HS) instead of shoes. I have enough years for girls, like my feet were compared with other children (I) never thought then, and now I'm addicted to slippers. However, there is the nagging feeling that I'm looking for the public because of my choice in footwear forbidden.
No, do not wear socks, wear, if I flip flops or sandals. No, I'm not gay. But I think the others about me, and soon-to-be companiesR / Executive (hopefully) I took a casual (Deluxe Banana Republic, Ralph Lauren, JCrew) lifestyle in the past year for me so I can look professional preparation (or continue) to take the inside and outside a company. So ... Choice of the summer?
Average Cost For Opthamologist Cost How Much Is An Exam For A Veterinary Opthamologist?
How much is an exam for a Veterinary Opthamologist? - average cost for opthamologist cost
My cat has cataracts and my regular vet said we should go to a veterinary ophthalmologist at some point, but she said it is an emergency. I would put them in a month or two, and I need to save money for it. Works like a conversation with a veterinary ophthalmologist on average? Medicine (Course additional tests separately, but when you say an idea on the cost of the services of a veterinary ophthalmologist else please) to me.
Monday, February 15, 2010
How Much Are Grace Sweing Machine I Wish I Could Do Gymnastics?
I wish i could do gymnastics? - how much are grace sweing machine
I am 13.i really do gymnastics. There is so much grace and beauty in it.But i never heard of. I started ballet when I was young, and leave immediately.regretness.i almost wish I could be more flexible, I'm really in the rigid part. yes, HOW CAN I be more flexible? Gymnastics seen on YouTube and was immediately smitten. I want to do something. No mention lesson. I take art and piano and this is not considered too much for my parents afford.I IF YOU TAKE ONE MORE TIME or damage. I am preparing in secret to be more flexible and I intend to classes when I Enuf old earn my own money to take. They consider it possible to start gymnastics at 19/20? How does it feel to do gymnastics? isdifficult? I am taking it that education at home, without knowing my mother. What is not usually in Traning? I just want to do fun.Please tell me how to do, and be more flexible. Detailed answers would be very grateful.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Code Activation Easy Video Joiner Where Can I Find A FREE Activation Code For AVS4you Video Converter 6?
Where can i find a FREE activation code for AVS4you video converter 6? - code activation easy video joiner
I did not activate the program version and I of course, as they rotate freely, but all the sites where the activation code that is downloaded by a payment or registration, at least.
Does anybody know a way / quick and easy way to succeed? Thx a lot:)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Pokemons South Silver Download English Help I Am Trying To Find Out What Are The Latest Crazes In Your Countries I Am Writing From South Africa.?
Help i am trying to find out what are the latest crazes in your countries i am writing from south africa.? - pokemons south silver download english
I have a store where I supply retail stores in South Africa and I am looking for new musical ideas (such as skateboards, Pokemons that can be sold in a shop) Any help would be appreciated. I am also an investor willing to invest in my business that could really help grow U.S.. Only serious people need to answer this question.
AND NOT ANY OTHER idea you want to market products in South Africa, I am open to the idea.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Verses About Getting Married Why Does The Irs Take More Money Out Of Your Check When You Are Single Verses Married?
Why does the irs take more money out of your check when you are single verses married? - verses about getting married
I was married, divorced, a waiver claim on my salary and recently established to verify that if I change, but I thought would be $ 300 less per paycheck will be. I can not afford. Why not punished, married? not fair. if something needs more money because you are yourself. Retention is why I have not changed.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Itemized Receipt Template Hotel In CA If A Landlord Doesn't Give A Deposit Or An Itemized List Within 21 Days Does He/she Forfeit Any Deposit?
In CA if a landlord doesn't give a deposit or an itemized list within 21 days does he/she forfeit any deposit? - itemized receipt template hotel
If after 21 days, I still have not a deposit or an itemized bill received by the landlord loses the right to demand payment for any reason (jurisdiction under the CA Act)?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Thank You Examples For Ceremony Who Do You Think Should Headline Next Years WWE HOF Ceremony?
Who do you think should headline next years WWE HOF ceremony? - thank you examples for ceremony
Is My picks for the coming year, Ricky Steamboat, Slick, Jake Roberts, Hart Foundation, Freebirds, and Davey Boy Smith.
I can not imagine it now, to lead the court in the next year, for example, 08-Flair, 07-Rhodes and 06-Bret Hart. What is your choice?
Who should headline?
Thank you for your answers ...
Monday, February 8, 2010
Strip Poker In Mainstream Movies Should I Go To My Friends Strip Poker Party?
Should i go to my friends strip poker party? - strip poker in mainstream movies
Well, not officially, but he believes that his parents be there. For example, a strip poker party planning. There are girls in the case of your question. But I have no idea how to play poker. But I have to go at all?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Adding Outlets To Travel Trailer What's Involved With Adding/moving Electrical Outlets?
What's involved with adding/moving electrical outlets? - adding outlets to travel trailer
I add a reverse osmosis system and have added to an electrical outlet under the sink.
I also add some basic cabinets to the wall. Currently there is an outlet near the earth, and understand that I must have developed from a duty assignment for the new meter that sits on a professional basis.
I do not even think of trying to make these projects, but I have an idea what is at stake.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
What Are The Words To A Preflight Announcement What Is The Most Hurtful Thing A Friend Has Ever Said To You?
What is the most hurtful thing a friend has ever said to you? - what are the words to a preflight announcement
And are you two friends?
Do you think that his words were a personal attack or something useless that the truth has at last learned from?
I ask in this section, because I hope that the most intelligent answers here.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Pre Teen Cock What's An Easy Way For A Pre-teen To Make Money - In The Thousands?
What's an easy way for a pre-teen to make money - in the thousands? - pre teen cock
I know someone that is a pre-teen and has a goal of fundraising-$ 4,000. You have to do 3 months, but it is better to do so as soon as possible. Please help them reach their goal !!!!! You really need some way to make good easy money.
And please, do not do that simply functions of their parents 50 cents per share was paid. They need the money faster than you! And that's fine if the task is more difficult than easy.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pictures Of Inside Vagana How Do I Forward An Email With Pictures Inside Without Them Disappearing?
How do I forward an email with pictures inside without them disappearing? - pictures of inside vagana
[Windows 2000 IE] images are not in the notes, but within the e-mail. If I gave you the text is there, but the pictures are gone.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Pre Teen Sucks Dick What Happened To Clothes And Music?
What happened to clothes and music? - pre teen sucks dick
Now, every young person we see now undergo either an emo hot topic or brainwashed Abercrombie.
Children cut themeslves
Hippie Fashion / Bohemian false
do with punk?
I hear old music, because music sucks now
the "rock" sounds like pop music and the only thing on the radio is rap.
Tweens comparing Jonas Brothers The Beatles
can someone tell me why this happens?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Brazil Wax Pics My Girl Friend Wants Me To Get A "Brazil Wax". Should I Spend The Money To Go There?
My girl friend wants me to get a "Brazil wax". Should I spend the money to go there? - brazil wax pics
And what is it? Why should I to Brazil?
Monday, February 1, 2010
Internal Combustion #7 Carbon Dioxide How Can 1 Gal O F Gasoline @ 5.92 Lb. Mixed With 15 Parts Air @ 1.94 Lb Produce 22 Lb. Of Car?
Carbon dioxide How can 1 Gal o f Gasoline @ 5.92 lb. mixed with 15 parts air @ 1.94 lb produce 22 lb. of car? - internal combustion #7
For spraying is not seeing compression and ignition in the combustion of a total of EUR 7.86, as this can be 22nd Pounds of carbon dioxide. If that's true, we need internal combustion engines driven by the U.S. Dollar. All burned to produce $ 7.86 $ 22.00 - that the national debt could be eliminated.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Difference Between Prolapsed Bladder And Prolapsed Uterus Whats The Difference Between A Prolapse & A Relapse ?
Whats the difference between a Prolapse & a Relapse ? - difference between prolapsed bladder and prolapsed uterus
Incident - something that the collapse
Relapse - again something bad happens.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
What Does A Pediatrics Stethoscope Do Does Anybody Know Names And Information For Any Professional Organizations For Pediatrics?
Does anybody know names and information for any professional organizations for Pediatrics? - what does a pediatrics stethoscope do
I'll make a professional portfolio and I can not find the professional associations in pediatrics.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Pokemon Emerald Cheat Codes Visual Boy Advance Pokemon Emerald Cheats On Visual Boy Advanced?
Pokemon emerald cheats on visual boy advanced? - pokemon emerald cheat codes visual boy advance
Where can I find a list of cheat codes and Pokemon Emerald on Visual Boy Advance emulator. Since a lot more fun cheating, especially if you play the game several times.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Congratulations To Expecting A Baby What Exactly Is An Evaporation Line?
What exactly is an evaporation line? - congratulations to expecting a baby
What is an evaporation line?
I think reading about these tests and evaporation lines mysteriously.
All relevant information ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thanks
Baby powder and baby TTCers want my teammates.
Congratulations to those who just learned they were expecting. Congratulations to those who have the great pleasure to welcome the world come.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Difference Between Brain Tumor And Tmj What Is The Difference Between The Treatment Of Brain Tumors In The 1940's And Today?
What is the difference between the treatment of brain tumors in the 1940's and today? - difference between brain tumor and tmj
Treatments have changed since then?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Spanish Get Well Soon Phrases How Can I Say These Sentences And Phrases In Spanish (spanish Speakers Only Please)?
How can i say these sentences and phrases in Spanish (spanish speakers only please)? - spanish get well soon phrases
1. Its funny
2. Do not worry
3. We're talking places instead of just.
4. I'm going to buy tickets early in order not to now.
5. I love you, no matter what, you have a good heart
Monday, January 25, 2010
Creative Usb Sound Blaster Audigy Which Pc Should I Buy For Gaming?
Which pc should I buy for gaming? - creative usb sound blaster audigy
2.8 GHz Intel Core i7-860 8MB cache Quad-Core
Shares of Intel LGA775 heatsink and fan
ASUS P7P55D (Intel P55, 2xPCI-E, 8-Channel Audio, LAN, 6xSATA2, 4xDDR3, 1394)
4GB (2GBx2) PC3 12,800 DDR3 1600MHz Memory Lifetime Warranty
1TB 7200RPM 32MB Cache Serial ATA300 (Seagate)
LG 22x SATA Lightscribe Dual Layer DVD ± RW DVD-RAM w / Nero
896MB GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 MB GDDR3 PCI-E Dual DVI (Major Brand)
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit --
Acer 19IN LCD Black 1440x900 wide-screen flat panel 8ms
CoolerMaster Black 690 (5 5.25 5 3.5 bays), 3 fans, front Audio/USB/1394
750Watt Corsair CMPSU-750TX
Onboard LAN included
Creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE 7.1
Stereo speakers (black)
Black PS2 Internet Keyboard
Black PS2 optical mouse with scroll --
Standard 1 year parts and labor
or ...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Backcountry Snowboarding Is Snowboarding In The Park Harder Or Freeride?
Is snowboarding in the park harder or freeride? - backcountry snowboarding
What is your position about this? I wondered, was more difficult, snowboard snowboard park or double diamond stones, off-track, etc.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Bulk Lavender What Is The Best Place To Buy Lavender Incense In Bulk Online?
What is the best place to buy lavender incense in bulk online? - bulk lavender
I am an alternative medicinal therapist and I have all my products
Gloria (BSYA)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Bridesmaid Gift Totes Best Gift You Ever Gave Or Received For/as A Bridesmaid & Other Ideas For BMs?
Best gift you ever gave or received for/as a bridesmaid & other ideas for BMs? - bridesmaid gift totes
I am collecting gift bags for my BMS and I need a few ideas to fill the bag. We make a day at the spa the day before by the inclusion of such items. He also bought jewelry for the wedding. I want more things, because my girls spend a lot for me, if only you come to ours! Help please!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Nitro Rc Off Road Buggy Pictures RC Nitro Fuel Help?????????????????????
RC nitro fuel help????????????????????? - nitro rc off road buggy pictures
Hello I'm looking for crisp Raptor Off Road Buggy 125cc and has a size of the tank. (How to keep the tank) with a motor 21CXP. Witch fuel for the car would be better, or Nitro Rc. also what I have heard too much oil u need the car and I ask you for anything that is broken what is the fastest should be prepared
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Flower Fairies Can Somebody Tell Me The Title To This Chinese Drama Where Its About This Flower Fairies N Who Marry A Mortal?
Can somebody tell me the title to this chinese drama where its about this flower fairies n who marry a mortal? - flower fairies
This Flower Fairies n is a bee that is always really loves looking like powers of n will find flowers, fairy tales after deadly this guy, married n then later, despite the rules against. .. something like ..
Monday, January 18, 2010
Laptop Manhattan Do You Know Any Book Store In Manhattan Ny?
Do you know any book store in Manhattan ny? - laptop manhattan
Dear all:
Woud I appreciate very much if you tell me about all the bookstores in Manhattan, NY we will inform you where to read the book and get online with our laptops and not so loud. Enter the full address
Thank you you so much
Sunday, January 17, 2010
African Trade Beads What's The Difference Between Copal Resin Sold For Aromatic Purposes (incense) And The One Used To Make Beads
What's the difference between copal resin sold for aromatic purposes (incense) and the one used to make beads - african trade beads
Can I sell a settlement with the bio-products such as copal resin? Is there another ingredient added to make it more difficult to produce the resin and resin beads (such as trade in Africa)?
Are there different qualities of resin?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Curtain Rail Brackets A Bracket Supporting My Curtain Rail Was Ripped Out Of The Wall. Whats The Best Way To Repair The Damage?
A bracket supporting my curtain rail was ripped out of the wall. Whats the best way to repair the damage? - curtain rail brackets
The lightweight filler is the easiest / fastest fix.
When reinstalling the media - if you can not take place if they (the screws on a bar to a header is just above the windows, and about 2 "on both sides, and a plot of each side of the window about 2" on the page completion) the opening of the window, then use drywall anchors. I like the kind of white plastic look like wood screws large plastic -.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Pink And Green Necktie Pink, Green, And Black Dots Have Started To Appear Around My Mouse. Is This A Computer Virus?
Pink, green, and black dots have started to appear around my mouse. Is this a computer virus? - pink and green necktie
I scanned for viruses lately, and I have updated antivirus software, but sometimes pink dots form a line of 8 rectangles that my cursor or green dots follow the interior fill of the cursor. After a moment, points are found in the Start menu, and sometimes in open applications. You do not change, but I wonder if anyone knows anything about them. I could not find information online.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Refurbished Kitchenaid Stand Mixer Is It Safe To Buy A Refurbished Kitchenaid Food Mixer (with A 6 Month Manufacturer's Warranty)?
Is it safe to buy a refurbished Kitchenaid food mixer (with a 6 month manufacturer's warranty)? - refurbished kitchenaid stand mixer
They are sold on eBay.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sims 3 Torrent Unauthorized Sims 3 Torrent Help!?
Sims 3 torrent help!? - sims 3 torrent unauthorized
I will not, if someone says oh thats illegal who does not, duh its illegal, I'm not paying $ 50 for the ****.
k, what I tried, a stream of NT3 download cuz i wanted to try to see if it was worth it and I thought all I had to run, I tried to send a message of error message says: "They play a non-final The unauthorized copying of The Sims 3 ", which does not let me go
What should I do? "Some do not want to create a new torrent cuz I'm still downloading, but I will if that is the only option.
It is the only one I have: ...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Mickey Mouse Waffle Iron Please Can Someone Help Me Find A Mickey Mouse Villaware Waffle Maker?
Please can someone help me find a mickey mouse villaware waffle maker? - mickey mouse waffle iron
I looked and looked. It is a crime, how much they sell these things. I will make my son at the age of one to Mickey pancakes, while his father is deployed. Makes you happy. Please help! Thanks
Monday, January 11, 2010
Self Tanning Spray Should I Use A Self Tanning Spray Before I Go On Holidays?
Should I use a self tanning spray before I go on holidays? - self tanning spray
.. Tomorrow in the current and the need to immediately do something, because I am white
What do you think?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Keyboard With Built In Mouse Does Anyone Know Of A Manufacture Of A Good Wireless Keyboard That Has The Mouse Built In To The Keyboard?
Does anyone know of a manufacture of a good wireless keyboard that has the mouse built in to the keyboard? - keyboard with built in mouse
Preferably would like a laptop that has the center button on the keyboard. Any suggestion is welcome.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Michigan Whitetail Hunting So Which Girls (or Guys) Are Getting Ready For Hunting Season?
So which girls (or guys) are getting ready for hunting season? - michigan whitetail hunting
Well, I just got back from Gander Mnt. and D Icks sport and I bought myself a new jacket. My old, broke the zipper, so I was screwed. I'm super excited for this season. Last year I shot on No. 6 and I thought the strikes, the blood and hair, but could not to a specific path, if I do not find it. I was angry because my first deer that I am the best of luck in the next 2 years. Ask In any case, in preparation and the excitement of white-tailed deer or deer. I'm so in Michigan, I am the deer hunt and can not wait for the camp. I can not wait until the summit of a deer and trembling fingers, and press the trigger and hope not to be missed! I am the only girl in Deer camp, and for some people is wrong, but I love it. All my friends and family (the girls), go shopping and get Mani / Pedi 's, but the game I LOVE LOVE! You? Girls out there hunting? sorry im so excited labyrinth of the 15th November! 6:00! You?
Friday, January 8, 2010
South Park In Spanish What's A Good Spanish SPM [South Park Mexican] Song?
What's a good spanish SPM [South Park Mexican] song? - south park in spanish
I like songs where he raps in Spanish ... The third verse of "SPM Diaries". Suggestions? Thank you very much
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Vintage Commercial Vehicles Where Can I Find Parts For A Vintage Toastmaster Commercial Food Slicer Made Around 1975.?
Where can I find parts for a vintage Toastmaster commercial food slicer made around 1975.? - vintage commercial vehicles
Try a restaurant supply or the commercial / institutional kitchen equipment and catering supplies. Good luck.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Espadrille Shoes Espadrilles And Cloth Shoes. How Do You Keep Them Clean?
Espadrilles and cloth shoes. How do you keep them clean? - espadrille shoes
Even if you spray the heck out of them derive even shmutzed seal. How can I prevent that other views of Nice?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
How To Write Congratulation On Engagement I Need Tips On How To Write Action Scenes?
I need tips on how to write action scenes? - how to write congratulation on engagement
I am just writing a fantasy novel of the ancient world, and are at a point where it reaches an action scene. I am afraid that my descriptive writing style in the way of making it exciting. I am also afraid because I'm not sure how to write an action scene. Do you have any tips? Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Pet Bed Ramp Which Of These Are A MUST For A New Puppy?
Which of these are a MUST for a new puppy? - pet bed ramp
Biscuits & Snacks
Books & Media
Nutritional Supplements
Carrier & Boxes
Collars & Leashes
Homes for dogs
Fleas and ticks
Doors and gates
Pet Pet Insurance
Rawhide and Chews
Shed Control
Steps & Ramps
Education & Behavior
Travel & Outdoors
And how many of each I should be before the puppy home? (Toys, for example, 8 sacks of food-6, 3 beds, a phone!)
Thank you for your answers:)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Entice Evening How Do You Entice A Man To Want To Jump Your Bones?
How do you entice a man to want to jump your bones? - entice evening
I'm going with my husband about 16 months. Not once was an attempt to try to go with me. What can I do?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Hotel Travel Guide Are There Any Hotel/travel Sites To Book A Hotel With A Debit Card Instead Of Credit Card?
Are there any hotel/travel sites to book a hotel with a debit card instead of credit card? - hotel travel guide
I have a debit card and no credit card ... Is there a website such as Orbitz or Expedia, they have hotel rooms cheap!?
Friday, January 1, 2010
Cigna Mental Health ADHD- CIGNA Health Insurance?
ADHD- CIGNA health insurance? - cigna mental health
I am a student of 20 years from my parents insurance, CIGNA Health.
I think I have ADHD, I have terrible memory, I have the worst time to concentrate and always hesitate. I have good grades, but my indecision has become much worse in recent years.
I called my insurance and they said they pay only 20% of the type of "contract" for psychologists.
So I thought it would not be much because I am interested in only one test for ADHD, I have absolutely no problems with the mental health or behavior of any kind
the first psychologist called me and said that was the test alone ranges from 800-1600 U.S. dollars ADHD. But I have to go for an initial consultation, be the first $ 400. (Ridiculous)
I called the local state university, and they say that it is to be done for a lump sum of $ 300, but insurance does not cover everything.
My university is 8 hours away, I would not be able to go to school and the scrutiny.
Is there any way I couldADHD Test for less? and insurance cover it?
HELP PLEASE! Thank you!